
At Living Theories, we step into your world in order to help you design your Game Plan. We adopt a people-centric approach to co-create effective engagement strategies with you.
We'll work with you to develop a clear and efficient engagement strategy. From designing focus groups, to conducting landscape studies, we'll help you understand your audience better.
We will co-design and co-develop the experience that you need for your success. With our team of development partners, we provide you with the expertise you need to execute your vision.
Launching your product is the most daunting part, but you won't be alone. Throughout your launch phase, we will be there to support you, and provide observation reports and recommendations to help you overcome teething issues.

Our People

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."

At Living Theories, we work with a team of specialists to deliver the best possible solutions to you. From graphic designers and digital programmers, to experienced trainers and facilitators, our team is ready to co-create impactful experiences together with you!

Core Team

Core team
Core team
Living Theories Team

Living Theories comprise of a core team of consultants with many years of experience to provide a full stack of gamification insights.

"No passion, no point!"

Xi-Wei’s job is to meet with clients, and help them harness the power of Gamification in their engagement strategies.

Xi-Wei has consulted with over 30 different civil service agencies and private organizations in improving their people engagement through Gamification, working with clients to break down their challenges and to ideate new solutions together.

Xi-Wei graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Multilingual Studies from Nanyang Technological University, and currently serves on the Partnerships and Engagement Experts Panel (PEEP), hosted by Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) and CSC. He is currently co-teaching “GameLab”, a course on Serious Games and Gamification at the Civil Service College (CSC).

"Stand out from the herd."

Wai Hong is responsible for managing stakeholders and resources during project lifecycles, and works on cultivating different communities of interest and partnership around Living Theories.

Having been in the civil service in Ministry of Social and Family Development for 5 years, Wai Hong has extensive know-how and networks to facilitate relationship-building and fostering communities. His previous experience in Organizational Development (OD) while in Care Corner Singapore also allows him to develop and execute change management strategies.

Wai Hong graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the National University of Singapore and is currently an adjunct lecturer in NUS teaching Social Policy and Planning.

"The devil's in the details."

Jedi is responsible for developing game experiences and products for Living Theories, and manages our creative content and design.

Jedidiah Siah is the Founder of AlterCulture Studios, a Singapore-based company focused on game development consultation, education, and promoting the usage of games across non-gaming industries. Jedidiah is also a Co-founder of the Sagakaya Collective, a ground-up initiative that aims to encourage the development of Singapore-based art games.

Jedidiah is an Associate Trainer at Civil Service College (Singapore) for Game Design. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Game Design from DigiPen (Singapore Institute of Technology).

Creating the game plan with you

Products and Experiences